Friday, June 22, 2012

Elder Schenk is Home!

Anxiously awaiting his arrival, with carefully crafted signs so he would know just how welcome he was, we took over a small corner of the airport nearest the international arrival escalater.  With each small group of 7 or so people getting off of the tram from customs at a time, we would watch for a dark suit to come around the corner.  Each time we saw a pilot or flight attendant our hearts would race, only to see that they weren't our missionary after all.  We waited through many batches of people until finally...

there he was!  Elder Schenk, fresh from the Philippines!

He looked sooo good!  Handsome and thin and happy and glowing full of the Spirit!


A happy family reunion!

After breakfast at Ihop, including lots of ketchup for Elder Schenk, although it wasn't sweet like ketchup in the Philippines,

we took Devin home to a warm shower, a nap in his very own bed, then bbq dinner before we went to visit the Stake President and have him released as a full time missionary for Jesus Christ.  He then reported to the Stake Council, answered quesions and bore his testimony in Cebuanio. 
An amazing evening.

Saturday evening a few friends came by to visit, Devin told stories and showed pictures of his mission experiences and we basked in the glory of his smile.

We love you Devin!  Thanks for sharing your testimony with so many and for blessing all of our lives by your good works!

Friday, June 1, 2012

May 29, 2012

I wrote a long letter to president and we have a zone activity right now so I'll have to make this email a little shorter. Sorry in advance. But to make up for it Ill see you in 8 days (my time).
First for the questions...
I can buy garments here at the distribution center for about $0.35 each, so I'll just buy my own. Save a little cash.
Our baptisms fell through on Saturday because of lack of communication with the ward leaders in Carcar. Our investigators want to be baptized in a font and not the ocean, and in the two areas we are serving in there is no font. It turned out that all Saturday both people who have keys were out of town. Oops... So this Saturday we have two baptisms and the font is ready and the person with the keys is going to give them to the Carcar missionaries before hand. Hopefully no more problems.
When I get home I will need a skin TB test. I had an x-ray and don't have it, but I need the test none the less. If I have been exposed to it, it may affect me at a later time in my life.
We had 19 recent converts and investigators all get in a multicab and take the two hour drive to the temple for the temple tour on Thursday. That was a great success. Then on Saturday we had a youth activity with 18 youth attend. I was in charge of a food eating contest that went really well. Everyone loved it, except for Jhessel who broke a tooth while chewing out of control on some choco sticks. It was a great success.
Sure love you all. Can't wait to see you all.
Elder Schenk

Monday, May 14, 2012

The Last Mother's Day Call

Doesnt' Devin look great?  This is his companion behind him with the thumbs up.  They are loving working in the Sibunga and Argao area, lots of people to teach, and some baptisms coming up in the next two weeks.  Devin says his mission president is like a father, so loving and encouraging.  He's got a nice apartment, and spends a lot more time on the bus now, going between the different areas.  It's about 20 mins. from one to the other.  His shirts were getting dingy in the city from the washing machines, but now they have them washed by a sister in the branch, and she gets them nice and white again. He gave his good echo boots that he said would last forever to a missionary who was going to the toughest terrain area of the mission, and another pair of shoes finally gave up the ghost.  So he wears the shoes he got on his 19th birthday and the pair we sent at Christmas.  Most of his socks have holes in the toes, but he's ok with that.  He left his extra razor blades in his last area, but he's determined to finish out the last 3 1/2 weeks with the same razor blade.  When he comes home he wants his first dinner to be BARBECUE!  Hot dogs, hamburgers, mom's amazing potatoe salad, the works!  He wants Eric to get him in shape in the next few months, so that'll keep the boys busy this Summer.  He had his hair cut on Wednesday for 50 cents.  I think he's going to miss those prices!  He is so happy right where he's at, and yet he seems excited to come home soon as well.  

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

May 9, 2012

We have been having a great week here in Argaw. I love it here. The members have such strong faith and want to be good members so bad. I am grateful for their good examples. There are about 35 who come to church, and we had 25 of them at an FHE at the house of an investigator last night. They are mostly poor fishermen. A lot of people in Argaw fish for a living. It is a little town with nice beaches and beautiful water. I love it here so much! The people are amazing! I get excited every day that we get to work there. We only work there on Tuesdays, Fridays and Sundays because we work in Sibunga the other days.
I will be skyping next Monday after district meeting, probably about 1pm my time. That is a little late in the evening for you so if another time would work better email me and I’ll be able to check tomorrow. President still hasn't sent my letter yet so he gave us a chance tomorrow to read it. Anyways just confirm so that we can be on at the same time.
I want to finish telling the story I started writing two weeks ago about Nickie. He was a catholic priest who has been all over the world preaching. He has even taught in the Vatican City. He was taught by the assistants to the president here a was converted, but a few days before his scheduled baptism date his uncle took him and imprisoned him in some cell way up on one of the furthest north islands of the Philippines. His family is very catholic. A lot of his aunts and uncles are priests and the female leaders (I forget what they are called). The entire City zone and President Schmutz and a lot of the temple missionaries fasted for him so that he would be released. The only people who had a key to his cell were the highest catholic leaders there. One day while he was praying he heard the door open. He went over to see who had opened it, but nobody was there. He escaped from his prison cell and found some fishermen and got a ride on their boat to another island. While there a 70 year old lady asked him if he was a priest. It was a strange question because he was wearing civilian clothing. He said that he used to be, and told his story. She gave him money for transportation and food to come back home. I transferred after that so I haven't heard, but I would guess he is baptized now. That story gives me goose bumps every time I tell it. I love it. It was so great to be a part of it.
Last Friday we had zone conference with Elder Neilson of the seventy. He told us that we have the most obedient mission out of the 17 missions in the Philippines! He also told us that we are leading all of the other missions in the reactivation and rescue efforts. They receive four statistics from every mission about it. 1. How many less actives have been visited for the first time? (1st place) 2. How many less actives have been to church for four weeks in a row? (2nd place) 3. How many lessons have been taught to less actives? (6th I think) 4. How many baptisms have occurred in result to teaching less active families? (1st place) We have been having great success!

And now for the questions.

Are you doing a lot of cooking now or eating out?
We eat breakfast at the house, usually oatmeal, and then buy lunch somewhere, and then ether eat dinner at a members house or cook something up quick at home before we go to bed. The members here make you eat a lot! I get soo full sooo often. Its great! We had dinner appointments last Friday, Sunday, Tuesday and we have another one tonight and Friday through Sunday this week we should have them as well. That is great news!

What's the weirdest thing that's happened in your new area?
The weirdest thing for me is how many people I know. I got to know a lot of the members or investigators in the Argaw and Sibunga areas while I was assigned in CarCar. I did community service projects at their houses and saw them at general conference and temple tours. There are families who have pictures of us doing service in their house. There is even one family who remembered who I was, realized that I had lost weight and noticed that my acne had gone away and I only saw them for one day during general conference! That blows my mind. I also have pictures of a lot of them on my camera. I also see so many people from the CarCar area. We used to eat lunch at the Ortega family every Saturday when I was assigned there, and now they work right next to my apartment. I can see them work from the window in our study area. My companion is always amazed that I know so many people. It is a lot of fun. And then I go to the temple and know so many people there. There are a lot of workers and stake and ward leaders that I have gotten to know there.

I sure love you guys. I’ll see you on Monday!
Elder Schenk

Friday, May 4, 2012

May 2, 2012

I love my new area. We are assigned to Sibunga area who meets in a meeting house that is really nice and the Argaw group that meets on the front porch of a member’s house. It is so cool to be part of a group. They have no leader, no callings, no dedicated building, just the missionaries to lead them. We conduct all of the Sunday meetings, of which there are only two, sacrament meeting and Sunday school. We also play a big part in the Sibunga branch. We go to Sibunga services on Sunday morning and then to Argaw afterward. Last Sunday Both Elder Ibay and I spoke in sacrament meeting in Sibunga and I taught gospel doctrine, both of which I got asked to do about 5 minutes before the meetings started. Then in Argaw Elder Ibay conducted and spoke in sacrament meeting and I bore testimony. Then I ended up teaching Sunday school there too. It was a busy Sunday. I loved it so much. The office couple, Elder and Sister Ernstrum are assigned to go to church in both of the areas so they help out a lot, but they don’t speak or understand Cebuano, so that limits what they can do.
I messed up last week in my email. Elder Neilson of the seventy is coming to our zone conference tomorrow, not Russell M. Nelson. But Russell M. Nelson is coming to the mission at the end of May, so I will get to hear him just before I go home. That will be really exciting.
Take care. Sure love you all,
Elder Schenk

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Letter of Release

Dear Brother and Sister Schenk:
This is surely an exciting time as you await the return of your son, Elder Devin Keith Schenk. He is scheduled to return home on Thursday, 7 June 2012. Elder Schenk has rendered faithful service and has achieved substantial personal growth. His willingness to learn and the effort he has put forth in the growth of the kingdom has been an inspiration to both members and missionaries alike. It has been a pleasure laboring with him in the Philippines Cebu Mission.
While here, Elder Schenk has served with several companions and labored in various areas. He has served as Senior Companion, Trainer, and District Leader. In these areas of increased responsibility, he has served faithfully, performed his duties well, and rendered valuable service.
Here are the details about your son’s honorable release:

1. We will provide an airline ticket for travel from Cebu to the airport nearest his home. He will arrive on Thursday, 7 June 2012.

2. Missionaries must travel directly home. Any exceptions are to be approved in advance by the Mission President and the missionary’s parents.

3. The cost of any change of approved travel plans will be paid by the missionary.

4. He is to report to his Stake President as soon as possible after his arrival home.

Thank you for raising such an exceptional young man. May the Lord’s choicest blessings be poured out upon you and your family always.
Warmest regards,
President Evan A. Schmutz
Philippines Cebu Mission

April 24, 2012

Paste Lan Eric! Choy legi ka kaayo! It means you’re a handsome devil! Nice work becoming the king by popular vote! Amalakaya tried to do that and ended up with the Nephite army chasing him. You were much more successful, and much better looking!
This Friday I am transferring to Sibonga/ Argao branches. I was assigned in CarCar, the next area over, before so I have been to both of them. Now there are only two missionaries for both branches. One of the branches has only been open for a year and neither of them have a church building, just rented houses. It is a HUGE area, the last one on the south end of Cebu on the East coast. This is my 7th area, once again on Cebu. My companion is Elder Ibay from northern Philippines, I think. I met him once. I will be follow-up training him. It is his 3rd transfer. It is a beautiful area out in the middle of nowhere with clean water and nice beaches. Thant will be nice. The city is so dirty.
This next Friday Elder Nelson is coming to speak to us! We are super excited about that! That is two apostles in one year!

If you moved what is your apartment like?
I have been to the apartment before, it is great! They have a huge kitchen and the house had couches in it when they moved in. Usually we just get plastic chairs.

When did you meet with President Schmutz last? What kinds of things has he been teaching you lately?
We had zone interviews last week. He taught us about the true reason why people sin and go inactive. We are to apply it to our less actives and try to build them back up so they are active again, and then apply it in our lives so that we never go inactive. It was a great talk.
Are you taking lots of pictures?
Have you been feeling healthy and taking good care of yourself?
For the most part yes. No major problems. I just got a chest xray last week so that the mission knows that the outgoing missionaries don't have tuberculosis. I don't.
What kinds of things can we pray about for you?
You can pray for me to have the spirit to be with me to guide me to those sincerely seeking the truth and be converted or reactivated, and also that I will be guided to know what to teach them. Pray also for the Sibonga and Argao branches to strengthen.

Sure love you all. Take care,
Elder Schenk

Saturday, April 21, 2012

April 17, 2012

My homecoming week sounds great! Friday graduation, and then Monday Hawaii...I can do that. I'm sure there are a few good stories I could think of to tell.
We had success again last week with another baptism on Wednesday, Rizalini Acapulco. She just finished reading first Nephi. I love it when converts grasp on and work hard to strengthen their testimony. We just started working with another investigator, Bebes (nice name!), who is the friend of a member. She is 14, we think (forgot to ask) and was almost baptized at least twice. The first time her dad got mad, so the record says, and the second time her mom wouldn't sign the baptismal record authorizing it. Apparently her mom was just joking and was fine that she got baptized but Bebes thought she was serious. Latter her mom asked about her baptism and Bebes said she hadn't been baptized because her mom hadn't signed the form. Oops. So we are going to have to BRT (build relationship and trust) with the parents before the baptism this time. When Riza got baptized last week Bebes was really wishing she could be baptized too. All of the youth thought that Bebes was already a member because she goes to church and activities. She is friends with the entire ym and yw so no problems there.
Next Friday is transfers. Either Elder Galdonez or I will be transferring. He has become my favorite companion of all. He has also been with me for the longest, two and a half transfers. Ill let you know next week who transfers.
And now for the story. Today we are fasting as a zone. Last night we got a call from the zone leaders saying that we, as a zone, will be fasting for the investigator of the Assistants. He was a catholic priest who has been all over the world preaching and learning. His family is very catholic with his aunts and uncles in leadership positions. He has been converted his baptism was scheduled for today, but he has been taken by his uncle to an island way on the edge of the Philippines and locked up there. Apparently they found out he was going to be baptized and didn't approve. So we are fasting that he can get out of prison and be baptized. It is the best story I have heard of persecution here in the mission. We will watch the hand of the Lord work miracles for him.
I love you all. I am grateful to be a missionary. It is the best thing I have ever done.
Elder Schenk

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

April 11, 2012

Maayong gabii sa inyo tanan. How are you all doing? Sounds like you had a fun Easter and are doing great. Easter here in the Philippines is a little different. I actually forgot it was Easter until it was mentioned in a conference talk. I never heard the word Easter, and if you aren't Catholic you don't celebrate it. They call it holy week with each day having a special name and something that you do. They even take a few days off from work as a public holiday. And yes, some guys get nailed to the cross. They don't truly appreciate the Atonement and why Christ suffered for us.

Thinks are going well here in the mission. We are having a lot of success. We have a baptism tonight, Rizalini Alcapulco. We only started teaching her 2 weeks ago and originally planned her baptism for next Saturday, but she kept pushing it up until today. She is a great investigator. She is the cousin of the wife of our bishop and is living with them while she is on her break from schooling. Before she even moved here she had told her aunt that she wanted to be baptized. She had gone to a few different churches and decided that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is the true one. Elder Plania, who was my companion in Consolation, is her cousin and is in our district and Riza asked if he could baptize her. So he gets to do that.

And now for the Question and Answer part.
I loved the Talk in priesthood session from Elder Bednar who talked about his father joining the church. It addresses a lot of the concerns with the members here. I also loved all of the talks Sunday about parenting. Good parenting is soooo important. I can see a huge difference in the people I work with depending on how their parents raised them.

What did you do on Easter, have an Easter dinner somewhere?
Easter was like any other day. Nobody acknowledged it as Easter.

Did you get your package yet? Did you like the stuff in it? Did the chocolate melt all over?
I did get my package. It was great, and the chocolate made it just fine. Everyone was jealous that they didn't get one. I think they are just jealous that I have the best mother in the WORLD! Their moms didn't send them anything.

Sure Love you all! Take care,
Elder Schenk

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

April 4, 2012

(please correct the mistyped, miscapitalized or mispunctuated words, this keyboard has a few flaws...)
It has been a HOT week here in the Philippines! I am sweating and we are in an air conditioned room. It has been a great week though, one full of great surprises. The first surprise we had was on Sunday. We had 7 investigators and 12 less actives come to church! 7 of the less actives came for the first time in a few months. That was really exciting. It makes missionary work a lot of fun when you have success in bringing souls unto Christ. We also have 4 investigators with baptismal dates for April. They had all been for the 21st, but on Monday we had another surprise when Riza asked if she could move her baptismal date. She wants to be baptized sooner! Not a problem! She will be baptized on her grandfather’s birthday, Friday the 13. Hopefully everything goes well. Her cousin, elder Plania, who used to be my companion, is in our district and Riza asked if he could baptize her. That will be great.
The Ricafort family is doing great. They have been to church twice in a row and three of them have a baptismal date for the 21st, noel, the father, and his two daughters, Marjorie - 9, and Bella Mae - 8. The rest of their family is all members.

What shoes are you wearing for basketball? Did you end up buying tennis shoes?
I bought some used Nike’s for under $5. I have been using those. We play every week now. I am getting a lot better. That makes it fun. But you have to play early in the morning because by 9:00 it is too hot.

Can you get Eric one of those cool belts?
I did that a month ago. Anything else to buy? I asked about some pearls the other day. They have some deep sea pearls that are super expensive, about $80 for one pearl, or some lower quality ones that aren't perfect circles but are still good that are really cheap. You can buy a one foot strand (approximately) for $5-$10. But you have to make it yourself. I can get those for you if you would like.

Do you have any new ideas about what you want to study in college or what career you are interested in?
I have had a lot of ideas and was not planning on anything to do with computers, but the other day I decided electronics is what I love and am good at. I might try more on the making and repairing of hardware and not so much on the using the computer part. I can’t stare at a screen all day. I have also thought about finances or business.

What has been a blessing from serving your mission that you may not have mentioned before?
I think one of the greatest blessings has been what I wrote Eric about. I have learned how blessed I am and how important I must be to the plan of God, and how important it is for me to be the very best that I can be to fulfill my purpose. One of the prophets said that it should be a matter of pride that you will do more than anyone else, according to your individual capabilities, to further the kingdom of God on earth. He said that it has always been his goal to do his part here on earth. I have learned the importance of doing that.

I sure love you all. I’m excited for conference!
Elder Schenk

Dude what’s up little brother? Kamusta man ka dong?
So your all getting ready to head out to college like a big boy. Nice work. My keyboard sucks, by the way, so there may be a few errors, like capitalization of letters. Sorry. I’m super stoked for you to get out and experience life out of the good ol' sheltered Schenk home. Though college and my mission my eyes were opened after I saw bad parenting, drugs, drinking, breastfeeding in public, naked babies crying in the street, homeless families who live on the skywalk over the highway, broken homes, broken families, you really begin to see how wonderful your life is. When you get out you will realize that you are in the 99th percentile of "THE MOST BLESSED PEOPLE IN THE WORLD-- TEMPORALLY AND SPIRITUALY" category. Your parents rank among the very best. Don’t be like I was when I first went to college and not write the family or call home. That’s no way to thank your parents. I’ve repented. I write them a letter every week now and will continue that for a long time.
Take care. I love you to death!
Elder Schenk

Hey send some of that cold weather this way. This has been the hottest week of my life! Check the temperature here in Cebu and let me know how hot it really is. Give me both Fahrenheit and Celsius. Is it up to 40c? It just hurts to be outside between 12:00 and 2:00.
Love you dad, enjoy skiing!
Elder Schenk

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

March 27, 2012

Hey family,
Things are going well here. We are having a lot of success with referrals in my area. That is so nice. We have two more baptismal dates for the end of April. Brother Noel Ricafort is a part member. His family was baptized back when they lived back in Mas Bati, another island here in the Philippines. He was the first one taught and believes the church is true, but was never baptized. On Sunday he came to church and brought his less active family with him. We have also had the bishop come with us to teach them and another member of the Bishopric. That has been great for fellowshipping. They live in a little one room house that was literally built on top of the metal roof of his brother's house. They have no electricity and have to go down their breaking weak ladder to get water. Sister Ricafort has some sort of illness that has caused her to become very skinny, she is practically skin and bones. She is also pregnant with her ninth child. They are such a kind quiet family. We brought different kinds of sweet bread and cookies when we had FHE with them on Monday and even the little kids were shy to eat them. Usually the kids here will do anything they can to get a bite of food. They are very humble.
Another investigator we have is from Mindanao, another island in the Philippines, who has been to church many times but has never been taught by the missionaries. She just moved into our bishop’s house this last week. She is the cousin of the bishop’s wife. We committed her for baptism on the first visit and she came to church on Sunday. I am grateful to be having so much success here.
Now for your weekly questions:
Have the new missionaries in your mission been in the MTC a shorter time?
As far as I know they are still there for 9 weeks.

When and where will you watch conference?
We watch conference the week after you on April 7th and 8th. We will go to our stake center in Labangon.

What kind of transportation do you usually use there in Capitol?
We ride geepnies (the long trucks with a bench going down both sides and no back door) and hubble hubble (motorcycle) here.

Have you taken pictures of your apartment?
Yes, just for you Mom.

Do you give the new member discussions or does a member of the ward?
We give them. We are now responsible for teaching our recent converts until they get to the temple for their endowment and family sealing.

How do you like the new shoes we sent awhile back?
They are great! I am down to them and the Rockports you bought me for my 19th birthday. The Rockports are my favorite. They are still comfortable! The Bass ones you bought me for Christmas are holding up great here in the city.

Sure love you guys. Take care. See you in a few months.
Elder Schenk

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

March 20, 2012

Good evening Family,
We are doing good here in Capitol. Elder Galdonez and I get along really well. We laugh a lot. He is also a good teacher, so that helps a lot. Our recent converts are doing great! They pay tithing and are receiving callings and the priesthood. It’s great. Delia has almost finished 2 Nephi and Flor is somewhere in the Alma 20's. They love to read. I figure Flor read almost half of the Book of Mormon in just over a month! For all you members out there, are you also hungering and thirsting after righteousness? Let each of us daily drink deeply from the living water found in the scriptures, especially the Book of Mormon--which above and beyond any other book will change our lives and bring us to the Savior. "Come unto Christ and be perfected in Him" (Moroni 10:32).

I’ll answer your questions now.
Your shirts look nice and white, so you must be doing a good job on your laundry. Do you go to the laundromat?
I usually take my laundry to the laundryman because there is just no time to wash your clothes by hand. There are much better things you can do with your time. We have about 6 options within walking distance of our apartment for laundrymans. The city is great that way.

Do you cook much in the city or mostly eat out? What do you eat these days?
When I first transferred here we ate out almost every meal. Now with two new Filipinos who know how to cook we rarely eat out. It’s cheaper and tastes better. We eat a lot of pork, usually with a sauce, or in soup. Sometimes there are vegetables too, which I love. It is always over rice. Sometimes at night we get BBQ which just means they shishkabob pork meat and fat and liver and chicken meat and skin and heads and feet and intestines or hot dogs or other byproducts that I’m sure aren't good for you but taste good. Then you put sweet ketchup on it and dip it in a soy sauce, vinegar, lime, and pepper sauce that you make as spicy as you can possibly stand. It’s good. For breakfast we usually have sweet cheesy hot dogs or eggs or ham or corned beef.

What have you been doing for P days lately?
That depends on where you are assigned. For p-day activities in the city we usually go to the Cebu zoo. In the mornings we usually play basketball at the church by the temple. We also go to Carbon which is the biggest market in Cebu where you can get second hand clothes and souvenirs and homemade Filipino stuff.

What day do you plan on arriving home?
I think we fly out on June 7 here. We will probably be getting home June 8 early in the morning in America. We haven't gotten our flight plans yet so I don't know for sure. I’ll let you know as soon as I know.

I like the question and answers. It gives me ideas on what to write about. Keep it up.
Take care, Love you all,
Elder Schenk